Leet More 2010 Strange Cipher writeup



If we connect to the service and try to encrypt \x00, \x01, \x02, \x03, \x04, we can notice that only first two bytes and the last one change:


There are 16 different chars, so a good idea is to replace them with [0-9a-f]. GD->GF->GG->::->:/ – looks like it’s increasing by 1 each step. That means, that ‘::’ is ’00’ ;) Make some more encryptions and we get a charset: “:/\ERTYUIOPASDFG” -> “0123456789abcdef”.

I wrote a simple decoder:

    $alpha = str_split(":/\\ERTYUIOPASDFG", 1);
    $replace = str_split("0123456789abcdef", 1);
    $s = fgets(STDIN);
    $s = str_replace($alpha, $replace, $s);
    echo $s;
Use it like:
$ echo -e "\x04\x00\x00\x00" | nc ctf.ifmo.ru 5555 | php client.php
[ 009a71c88425dabe6fdb10c138522ec19b0a46c1d98958c1f7aa6ac1f8fa7cc5 ]
A fact that the byte is increased along with the input, points that it is a sum of input and some value. Let’s modify a client to get true values:
$ python -c 'print "\x00"*32;' | nc ctf.ifmo.ru 5555 | php client.php
[ fc9a71be7a25dabe6fdb10c138522ec19b0a46c1d98958c1f7aa6ac1f8fa7cc1 ]
    $alpha = str_split(":/\\ERTYUIOPASDFG", 1);
    $replace = str_split("0123456789abcdef", 1);
    $s = fgets(STDIN);
    $s = str_replace($alpha, $replace, $s);
    $ss = str_split(substr($s, 2, -3), 2);
    $as = str_split("fc9a71be7a25dabe6fdb10c138522". \
             "ecba50a46c1d98958c1f7aa6ac1f8fa7cc1", 2);

    $s = '';
    foreach ($as as $index=>$add) {
        $char = hexdec($ss[$index])-hexdec($as[$index]);
        $t = dechex($char & 0xff);
        while (strlen($t)<2) $t = "0$t";
        $s .= $t;
    echo "[ $s ]\n";
Now, let’s play with encryption a bit more to understand it. Some tries and we understand that each byte is xored by next:
\xcc\x0c\x00\x00 -> \xc0\x0c\x00\x00
It’s time to write a decrypter:


    $alpha = str_split(":/\\ERTYUIOPASDFG", 1);
    $replace = str_split("0123456789abcdef", 1);
    $s = str_replace($alpha, $replace, $s);
    $ss = str_split( $s, 2);
    $as = str_split("fc9a71be7a25dabe6fdb10c13852". \
          "2ec19b0a46c1d98958c1f7aa6ac1f8fa7cc1", 2);
    $s = '';
    $ts = array();
    foreach ($as as $index=>$add) {
        $char = hexdec($ss[$index])-hexdec($as[$index]);
        $t = dechex($char & 0xff);
        while (strlen($t)<2) $t = "0$t";
        $ts[] = $t;
    $rev = '';
    for ($i = count($ts); $i > 0; $i--) {
        $c = hexdec($ts[$i-1]);
        $c ^= hexdec($ts[$i % 32]);
        $t = dechex($c & 0xff);
        while (strlen($t)<2) $t = "0$t";
        $ts[$i-1] = $t;
        $rev = chr($c).$rev;
    echo $rev."\n";

$ php solve.php
$ echo "*TheCoolestFlagOverTheWorldEver*" | nc ctf.ifmo.ru 5555
Enter the text to encrypt:
> Encryption successful:
You can find the binary here.

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