Question: VoxVeritas
400 Points
Find the secret passage. (File)
$ cat vox nˈaʊ dɪskɹˈaɪb tə mˌiː wɒt mˈɑːsɛləs wˈɒleɪs lˈʊks lˈaɪk vˈɛl hˈeːs hˈeːs blˈak ɡˌəʊ ˈɒn ˈant hˈeːs hˈeːs bˈalt dˈʌz hiː lˈʊk lˈaɪk ɐ bˈɪtʃ vˈɑːt dˈʌzhiːlˈʊklˈaɪkɐbˈɪtʃ nˈoː ðˈɛn wˌaɪ dˈɪd juː tɹˈaɪ tə fˈʌk ˈɪm lˈaɪk ɐ bˈɪtʃ ˈiː dˈɪdnt jˈɛs jɐ dˈɪd bɹˈɛt jɐ tɹˈaɪd tˈɑː fˈʌk ˈɪm juː ˈɛvə ɹˈiːd ðə bˈaɪbəL bɹˈɛt jˈeːs ðeəz ɐ pˈasɪdʒ aɪ ɡɒt mˈɛmɔːɹˌaɪzd sˈiːmz ɐpɹˈəʊpɹɪət fɔː ðɪs sˌɪtjuːˈeɪʃən ˈɛzɪkˌiːl twˈɛntɪfˈaɪv sˈɛvəntˌiːn ðə pˈaθ ɒvðə ɹˈaɪtʃəs mˈan ɪz bɪsˈɛt |
It’s not hard to guess that it’s transcription of English language. After some words restored:
Now describe to me what
we can easily find the other words:
Now describe to me what Marsellus Wallace looks like!
-Well he’s he’s black
Go on
-and he’s he’s bold
does he look like a bitch
does he look like a bitch?
then why did you try to fuck him like a bitch
-i didn’t
yes you did. Brett, you tried to fuck him. You ever read the Bible brett?
-Yes there’s a passage i got memorized seems appropriate fo this situation Ezekiel 25:17 the path of the righteous man is beset…
The flag: Ezekiel 25:17