Tag: libnum

33C3 CTF 2016 – beeblebrox (Crypto 350)

Make bad politicians resign! nc 2048 files Summary: factorization-based attack on a signature method

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Tokyo Westerns/MMA CTF 2016 – Pinhole Attack (Crypto 500)

Decrypt the cipher text with a pinhole. $ nc cry1.chal.ctf.westerns.tokyo 23464 pinhole.7z Summary: attacking RSA using decryption oracle leaking 2 consecutive bits in the middle.

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0CTF 2016 Quals – Equation (Crypto 2 pts)

Here is a RSA private key with its upper part masked. Can your recover the private key and decrypt the file? equation.zip Summary: recovering RSA key from part of the private key.

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PHD CTF 2013 Hackskell (500)

We’ve got a screenshot of some encryption, here’s the text transcribed. Please say what’s there. Summary: a couple of modular equations

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PlaidCTF 2013 Blech (Crypto 200)

You get arbitrary code execution…. as long as it’s code we approve of. Source available at blech.py Service running on port 1234 blech.py Summary: RSA cube root attack

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