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  1. 2010 CTF Challenge #10 Writeup — 3 comments

Author's posts 2010 CTF Challenge #10 Writeup

#10 – Chip Forensic To solve this task we have something like this (original image is lost) and hex string: 0B 12 0F 0F 1C 4A 4C 0D 4D 15 12 0A 08 15. What we see on image? Some USB device. Those who have seen them on ebay or on other sites knows that …

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Leet More 2010 Lottery writeup

Warning! There are at least two ways of solving this task. Look at HTML sources. Try to find web-framework running the lottery. It is “Nitrogen”- Web Framework for Erlang. To generate random numbers Erlang have module random. To get random Int we have function  uniform(MaxInt)->Int So example of code for generating number for lottery is …

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