Tag: ndh2k12

NuitDuHack 2012 Prequals – Web3.ndh

Our spy thinks that Sciteek staff is aware about the mole inside their building. He is trying to read a private file named “sciteek-private.txt” located at sciteek.nuitduhack.com:4005. Please find the .ndh attached, if you are sucessfull, reply with a message entitled “complex remote service”. Of course, your efforts will be rewarded with $2500. Maybe you …

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NuitDuHack 2012 Prequals – executable1.ndh

Meanwhile, we got fresh news from our mystery guy. He came along with an intersting binary file. It just looks like an executable, but it is not ELF nor anything our experts would happen to know or recognize. Some of them we quite impressed by your skills and do think you may be able to …

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NuitDuHack 2012 Prequals – sciteekadm.cap

Hopefully, we succeeded to spy some wireless communications around Sciteek building, our technical staff has attached the capture file, will you be able to exploit it? We hope that some valuable files were exchanged during the capture. Please entitle your reply “captured file”, as usual. By the way, your account has been credited with $1000. …

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NuitDuHack 2012 Prequals – executable2.ndh

Our anonymous guy managed to get access to another bunch of files. We also need to get as much information as possible about the file itself. If you succeed, you will be rewarded with $2500 for the ndh file. executable2.ndh NDH Virtual Machine Summary: VM in the NDH VM, crackme

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