NuitDuHack 2012 Prequals – executable2.ndh

Our anonymous guy managed to get access to another
bunch of files. We also need to get
as much information as possible about the file itself. If you succeed, you will
be rewarded with $2500 for the ndh file.

NDH Virtual Machine

Summary: VM in the NDH VM, crackme

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CodeGate 2012 Quals – Binary 500

Seeing that it is not all.


Summary: VM analysis, python decompiling

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CodeGate 2012 Quals – Binary 400

The Rewolf in Kaspersky


Summary: unpack file, analyze crashdumps, bruteforce

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CodeGate 2012 Quals – Binary 300

There are malicious program associated with DDoS zombie.
Calcurate the sum of port numbers used for the attack.
And, how many times does zombie try to attack?

Answer: sum(attack_ports) * attack_count (* : multiplication)

Download : 72C4DAA981E17282B12E6226A1D60162

Summary: unpack, malware analyse

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CodeGate 2012 Quals Forensic 500 Write-up

This file is Forensic file format which is generally used.
Check the information of imaged DISK, find the GUIDs of every partition.

Answer: strupr((part1_GUID) XOR (part2_GUID) XOR …)

Download : B704361ACF90390C17F6103DF4811E2D

Forensic 500 features EWF format container with EFI GPT partition table.
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CodeGate 2012 Quals Vuln500 Write-up

ID : yesMan
PWD : ohyeah123

Download vulnerable binary.

Vuln500 was a hardened format-string vuln with ASLR, NX-stack, no-DTORs, RO .dynamic
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CodeGate 2012 Quals – Vuln 400

Here’s a web-based crypto challenge.

Summary: padding oracle attack, bit flipping

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CodeGate 2012 Quals Net400 Write-up

Because of vulnerability of site in Company A, database which contains user’s information was leaked. The file is dumped packet at the moment of attacking.
Find the administrator’s account information which was leaked from the site.
For reference, some parts of the packet was blind to XXXX.

Answer : strupr(md5(database_name|table_name|decode(password_of_admin)))
(‘|’is just a character)

Download : 80924D4296FCBE81EA5F09CF60542AE7

Net400 featured a network packet capture of a blind SQL injection attack with task to extract some info and bruteforce a bit.
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CodeGate 2012 Quals – Vuln 300

Here we are given ssh credentials where we need to exploit the binary.

Summary: compose file to make program jump to stack.

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CodeGate 2012 Quals – Vuln 200

This web challenge is again about uploading.

Our aim was to get shell.

Summary: upload php shell, read the key.

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CodeGate 2012 Quals – Vuln 100

This challenge is a web service where one can upload mp3 files and listen to them.

Our aim is to get admin’s song.

Summary: sql injection

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CodeGate 2012 Quals – Binary 200

Find a printable string that the program would print ultimately.

Down (pw: infected)

Summary: unpack, XTEA decrypt

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IFSF CTF #7 (X99) Write-up

this is one of their machines which have very sensitive informations ,
try to get for us the password
PORT : 3000

X99 carries a synthetic vulnerability that allows a char-by-char password bruteforce.
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IFSF CTF Small Challenges (#4, #5, #6, #14, #15)


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IFSF CTF #8 (X98) Write-up

we know it’s about some secret agents ,
but we need more than that
PORT 3000

X98 is a remote CTB task with a shell injection vuln.
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