Codegate CTF 2011 Crypto300 Writeup


we are investigating an illegal online gambling site. To find any evidence to support for illegal gambling, we must access the oracle database with administrator privileges. The suspect says that he does not know the administrator password, but we know for sure that he is lying.

The password is estimated to be longer than 8 characters. However, we don’t have enough time to apply a brute-force attack. In order to request an arrest warrant, we must find the evidence of illegal gambling before the YUT-Challenge is over.

By using social engineering, we were able to find various data about the suspect. By analyzing the data, the suspect always include last four digits(‘1024’) of his phone number in his password. Hence, we may assume that his phone number is included in the administrator password for the database.

The given file is the dump file of sys.user$ table in oracle database. (The data file of system tablespace is too big to upload.)

Find the password of ‘SYSTEM’ account.

Download database

Summary: bruteforce with John the Ripper

We are given a part of password, so we consider the task to be a brute-forcing challenge. Let’s first get the ecnrypted passwords. If we do strings on the file, we’ll see that hashes look like
and the SYSTEM‘s hash is:

So, let’s use John the Ripper to crack them:

notice: I am trying to crack all hashes – there can be a hint, and it isn’t much slower

$ strings task.db | grep -E "^S:" >hashes.txt
$ ./john-1.7.6-jumbo-12/run/john hashes.txt 
Loaded 41 password hashes with 41 different salts (Oracle 11g [oracle11])
s                (S)
tiger            (S)
dip              (S)
march            (S)
$ cat ./john-1.7.6-jumbo-12/run/john.pot

Ok, we found some simple password (unluckily they don’t belong to SYSTEM, hehe), and now we know type of passwords: oracle11

Now there are two ways – generate our own dictionary for John, or modify it to add “1024” to each password. The first way is much easier, so we’ll use it. Here is a small script to generate passwords:

#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-

import sys
import string
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement

alpha = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_.-!@#$%^&*()+=[]{};:'\"\\,./?><"

f = sys.stdout  # open("mydict.txt", "w", 4096 * 4096)
for strlen in xrange(MAXLEN + 1 - 4):
    for s in combinations_with_replacement(alpha, strlen):
        f.write("".join(s) + "1024\n")
    sys.stderr.write("length=%d done\n" % (strlen + 4))

Now, run john:

$ python2.7 | ./john-1.7.6-jumbo-12/run/john --stdin hashes.txt 
Loaded 37 password hashes with 37 different salts (Oracle 11g [oracle11])
length=4 done
length=5 done
length=6 done
jk_1024          (S)
jk_1024          (S)
jk_1024          (S)
length=7 done
jk##1024         (S)
length=8 done
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 13, in <module>
    f.write("".join(s) + "1024\n")
guesses: 4  time: 0:00:00:11  c/s: 1629K  trying: adeo:1024
Session aborted

Nice, we have some passwords in 11 secs! Let’s check:

$ cat ./john-1.7.6-jumbo-12/run/john.pot 

Yesss, we have the right one!

The flag: jk##1024

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