Category: Writeups

Codegate CTF 2011 Binary 200

Let’s open this PE-file in IDA Pro. There is TLS-callback at address 0x00401450. TLS-callback is just anti-debugging trick (with SEH, dynamic import etc), so we can skip it and start execution from entry point: 0x00401000. On the entry point we can see some decoding cycle and one call at address 0x00401058. If we go into …

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Codegate CTF 2011 Issue 500 (bootsector)

Find a key. [link to submit form] binary $ file challenge.bin challenge.bin: x86 boot sector, code offset 0xc0 Summary: bootsector with password check, bruteforcing 2 bytes hash.

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Codegate CTF 2011 Crypto 400

The attacker got a secret! File Summary: Padding oracle attack analysis

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Codegate CTF 2011 Forensic 300, Issue 300

Forensic 300 Description: We are investigating the military secret’s leaking.we found traffic with leaking secrets while monitoring the network.Security team was sent to investigate, immediately. But, there was no one present. It was found by forensics team that all the leaked secrets were completely deleted by wiping tool.And the team has found a leaked trace …

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Codegate CTF 2011 Mini writeups

Some mini writeups on Codegate 2011 Prequals: Issue100,200, Net100,200, Crypto100,200.

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Codegate CTF 2011 Crypto300 Writeup

Description: we are investigating an illegal online gambling site. To find any evidence to support for illegal gambling, we must access the oracle database with administrator privileges. The suspect says that he does not know the administrator password, but we know for sure that he is lying. The password is estimated to be longer than …

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Padocon CTF 2011 Binary500 Writeup (300)

The challenge consists of a windows binary and connection details: HOST : PORT : 888 Binary (Daemon.exe) Summary: reversing the algorithm with some encryption and coding a client

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Padocon CTF 2011 Binary100 Writeup (200)

This task we were given a binary and a host/port where it is running: HOST : PORT : 8080 Binary Note: At the beginning of the contest, there was no binary. But nobody solved it and the binary was added, I guess it’s because of strange format of the input. Summary: reversing (or guessing) …

Continue reading 2010 CTF #22 (Pirates Wisdom) writeup

Pirates Wisdom Captian Iglo heard there is a secret wisdom in the well known pirate wisdom system. Log in to ssh user: ctf password: ctf and get the content of key.txt. You get rewarded with 300 coins. binary Summary: simple heap’s chunk reusage error with a bit obfuscated logic

Continue reading 2010 CTF #1 (Fun 300, Rock Lizard Spock) writeup

On the high seas, the nights get boring. Try to win the game against the captain! port 6565/tcp Let’s go & connect there: > nc 6565 /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEAYABgAAD//gAJbWQ1d2luc//bAEMABQ MEBAQDBQQEBAUFBQYHDAgHBwcHDwsLCQwRDxISEQ8RERMWHBcT <…> EgWAYlOhQqadCpxQPCn4JDjQoVacgqCQ4dtCAY4+FChVJb7BVE A6fCnKIB0+FChSuX3C8XQPuhoUKFd+JM//Z The service gives us some base64 and waits 2 seconds for reply. Unbase64ing the data, we get this jpeg: There is no …

Continue reading 2010 CTF #13 (My Cool Blog) writeup

Captain Rumbarrel is shocked because he found out that the filthy pirate Boozybold has stolen a whole shipment of rum! So Rumbarrel wants his revenge by hacking Boozybolds cool blog. Unfortunately he can not hack, so help him and get 250 gold coins! From main page of his cool blog, we get three main points: …

Continue reading 2010 CTF #3, #11, #14 (Most Epic Challenges :) writeup

Task #3 – Like skies that are so blue Sometime even pirates have a lazy sunday… download 0.  1. Open in your favorite image editor (ms paint) 2. Do a fill: 3. Md5 of the original file is the answer: 032c49411912397eea2a7d906dab5f7e Task #11 – Ecrime Business Cap’n Bill Greasepalms wants to start an ecrime business. …

Continue reading 2010 CTF #17 (Brainfuck) writeup

You found a backdoor on Captain Brainfuck’s webspace. Exploit it and read his secret file! The page only says ‘happy hacking’, so what would we be doing without its source… [source mirror] “Source” in fact is a zip archive with php code appended: PK < binary trash..> <?php @ob_clean();$z=zip_open(__FILE__); eval($f=zip_entry_read(zip_read($z),1000));@ob_end_flush();?> It simply reads itself (the …

Continue reading 2010 CTF #16 (Rattlesnake’s Riddle) writeup

Solve this riddle to impress Captain Rattlesnake! download The .pyc file is a byte-compiled python code, and there is a wonderful tool called uncompyle to deal with it. $ decompyle secret.pyc > The decompyled file: 1. Takes 3 arguments 2. Checks 2nd to be 1337 3. Calculates ‘token‘ value, which is 11111112671 4. After some …

Continue reading 2010 CTF Challenge #8 Writeup

Sad Little Pirate (150) Our sad little pirate haes lost his password. It is known that the pirate has just one hand left; his left hand. So the paessword input is quite limited. Also he can still remember that the plaintext started with “674e2” and his password with “wcwteseawx” Please help the sad pirate finding …

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